Friday, September 16, 2016

First Feeding Program "Binignit"

         October 21, 2012- It was a rainy day and that was the day that the Student Leaders Association of the Philippines (SLAP) had their first activity, a feeding program with the theme of "Binignit, A food for us...A food for all at San Miguel Academy, Mayana, Jagna, Bohol. That was also an important and historic day of all Filipino. The day of canonization of the second Filipino saint that we must be proud of- San Pedro Calungsod. Then it was a perfect day for us to help the children in a simple way.
        Since we don't have money to buy spaghetti,bread,adobo and etch. for the children, I asked the students of San Miguel Academy  to contribute 10 pesos for the feeding program.Luckily, I got a positive response from the students and they contributed and participated in the said activity. Now, when I collected their contributions,still the money is not enough. So i called a meeting and we planned and decided to cook only binignit (BINIGNIT IS MADE OF SLICES OF SABA BANANA,TARO,SWEET POTATO, LANDANG (PALM FLOUR JELLY BEANS, LANGKA (JACKFRUIT), AND THICKENED WITH MILLED GLUTINOUS RICE. COOKED IN A MIXTURE OF WATER, COCONUT MILK AND THE LOCAL LANDANG AND SWEETENED BY BROWN SUGAR).  To save money, I asked again the student to give some ingredients for the binignit like taro,sweet potato,coconut and banana. That's it. Our plan must be put into action.
    Now, The SLAP faced another problem. We didn't know if we still continue the activity or not because of the bad weather.We have no proper place to cook. We can not use the school kitchen for our activity. So we decided to cook the binignit beside the school fence. We prayed and asked God for a good day.God answered our prayer and blessed us a nice weather.
        At exactly 1:00 p.m. we started the program and I saw the children coming with the student of SMA as their guardian for one day. And the officers? Oh! They  had just started cooking the binignit. The members were so busy entertaining the children. I did not expect to have a huge number of children to participate in our activity.
        The program started with Invocation, followed by triple hymn (Philippine National Anthem, Awit sa Bohol and Jagna Hymn) and opening dance performed by SLAP officers. Actually, our original plan was, before we will feed the children, the officers will have to teach first in English,Mathematics, storytelling,dance steps and more. Since, we don't have enough time, I told the officers to suspend some other activities. It was a very successful activity. 

First-Ever SLAP Election

Second, third and fourth year students have successfully launched a new era of elected student leaders at San Miguel Academy .  Empowered with energy, enthusiasm, and supportive training, Fourteen students have been elected in various positions.  

    The election , provided with support from the students, faculty and staff of San Miguel Academy, offered instruction to students on leadership .  Students enjoyed learning about student leadership in school and community.

2012 Officers

President: Angelo Casalhay 
Vice President for Internal Affairs: Aprileen Salas 
Vice President for External Affairs: Cherry Mae Bag-O 
Secretary: Anna Liza Ladac 
Treasurer: Rovelyn Chanyongco 
Auditor: Ruffa Mae Ladrona 
Student Ambassador for Peace : Rianeil Ladaran 
Student Ambassador against Hunger: Sharlene Gallano 
Student Ambassador for Environmental Protection: Evenezer Taculod 
Activities Director : Janeth Bautista 
Community Service Director: Relvin SalamaƱa 
Academic Coordinator: Christelle Jane Bajao 
Muse: Miguela Silmaro 
Prince Charming: Rogelio Macalam 

Congratulations and may you all have a successful and fruitful year ahead of you. 

The Beginning

    A new beginning has come for the students  as I created a new group of student leaders in the Philippines which I named Student Leaders Association of the Philippines ( SLAP).
    Last September 20, 2012, I talked to Mrs. Aniceta E. Lloren, the principal of San Miguel Academy about the newly formed group. I gave her the letter of approval and I explained her about the  group. Luckily, I got the approval. I was so happy as  I informed the students of San Miguel Academy about the group and I invited them to take part of this new and exciting group of students. I got the positive response from the students and they told me that they will support the SLAP.
    The primary reason why I created this group is I want the students to enhance and promote a healthy lifestyle through the utilization of recreational facilities, programs and services and to assist them in learning, applying and perpetuating a lifestyle that includes the wellness concepts of physical, intellectual, social, emotional, environmental and spiritual health. This group provides practical, focused opportunities for leadership development. It provides an opportunity for the students to learn and develop leadership skill that will aid in every aspect of life. 

I hope that this group will be successful.

To God Be The Glory!


SLAP Aims To:

1. Offer opportunities for personal growth through which young people can develop life skills, confidence and self esteem.
2. Recognize, respect and encourage initiatives of young people.
3. Act as advocates on behalf of and alongside young people in challenging the inequalities and prejudices arising from their experiences and life circumstances.
4. Offer a variety of informal education activities, programs and experiences which are recreational, social and fun!
5. Acknowledge and value the diversity within youth culture and promote it within the wider community.
6. Challenge young people’s actions, attitudes and words while encouraging them to realize the consequences of, and take responsibility for those actions, attitudes and words.
7. Provide ways for young people to express their views and be heard.
8. Offer support to young people through the transitions they experience in moving from childhood to adulthood.
9. Offer relevant information, advice and education for young people on their rights and responsibilities and the issues which affect their lives, and so enable them to make informed decisions and choices.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

What Does It Mean To Be A Student Leader?

Student Leaders are expected to lead by example. They :

1. Follow the Student Code of Conduct both on and off Campus. Simply means that as a student leader, you have to follow the set of rules outlining the social norms and the rules and responsibilities implemented by the school and the community. The good practice should be done not only in the school but in the community as well wherein it will help you to become a better citizen in this world.
2. Develop healthy, balance relationships with friends. It states that student leaders must be open to meet new people around them so that their interpersonal skills will be developed for future endeavors. Being open to other people will help them how to interact professionally and able to accept ones differences and similarities.

3. Balance job related duties with academic requirements. Each student leader must give time on their personal and professional work. Despite of having a huge responsibility, they must know their priorities so that it will not affect these factors.
4. Sacrifice personal freedoms for the sake of others. It means that sometimes we think about the benefit of others rather than our own. Sacrificing our own freedom is giving a selfless love to other people by helping them in your own capability.

5. Encourage an active and evident spiritual life in yourself and others. Having an active spiritual life is very important to everyone because without God, we are nothing. Life maybe unfair at times but having faith in him is our strength to overcome all the circumstances that we are facing. Student leaders must be involved in some spiritual activities that will inculcate their faith to God.

6. Desire to enhance leadership skills in others. Leadership is the important role that the student leaders must possess because if you have it you will be able to lead the group. Being a leader leader means that you need to be open with your groupmates. Having a good communication among your members is the key to achieve a certain work.

7. Create an atmosphere of acceptance which encourages equal opportunity for involvement for all students. Acceptance among other people leads us to give a chance to involve into the society. Whatever is your culture, race, language etc., you must accept that we have different perspectives, opinions, and values but at the end of it you will understand them they will also do the same to you. 

8. Provide accountability and support for fellow students. Supporting fellow student will give them encouragement to pursue whatever they want to achieve.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Vision-Mission Statement

    Student Leaders Association of the Philippines seeks to promote the holistic development of future leaders in the Philippines by enriching and enhancing the quality of life and educational experiences of the school and local communities.
    Student Leaders Association of the Philippines aims to enhance student's quality of life through the utilization of recreational facilities, programs and services to assist in learning, applying and perpetuating a lifestyle that includes the wellness concepts of physical, intellectual, social, emotional, environmental and spiritual health.

About SLAP

    Student Leaders Association of the Philippines (SLAP) provides a society filled with dynamism and opportunity for students to develop their skills, gifts, and talents.
    Our student leadership provides practical, focused opportunities for leadership development. It provides an opportunity for the students to learn and develop leadership skill that will aid in every aspect of life.
    SLAP helps to promote a healthy lifestyle and strengthen the individuals through diverse physical, emotional, social and cultural acceptance.
    Our Purpose is to improve the quality of life by providing responsive, efficient and high quality services that promote self- sufficiency, well being and prosperity of the students, families and communities for the advancement of the global society.